Uncertainty as Growth Opportunity

Uncertainty as Growth Opportunity

Today I want to talk to you about a crucial topic in these times: intolerance to uncertainty – a concept we should all be familiar with.

Until recently we all thought that everything in life was under control and that we could foresee almost any situation. However, in today’s world, we have learned that the unknown is here to stay.

The truth is that uncertainty is a very uncomfortable guest. So, how can we make this uncomfortable tenant more tolerable and learn to accept it?

Here I will share some important keys:

1. Understanding the Nature of Uncertainty

What scares us most about uncertainty is not knowing what will happen – or when it will happen. Human beings are used to planning and foreseeing, but the reality is that the future will always be full of doubt.

Although we can take precautions, uncertainty is and will be part of the game, and we must learn to manage it.

2. Increase Self-Esteem

One of the keys to tolerating uncertainty is to work on our self-esteem. The more we love and believe in ourselves, the easier it will be.

Self-confidence gives us the security that no matter what happens, we will always have ourselves.

So spend time strengthening your self-esteem, as it will be your best ally in uncertain times.

3. Develop a Flexible Mindset

Mental rigidity is the enemy of adaptability. Therefore, I recommend practicing flexible thinking, which will allow you to adjust your plans and expectations depending on the circumstances you are experiencing.

4. Enjoy the Road

We often focus so much on the end goal that we forget to enjoy the process. 

Life is a journey, and although we do not always know where we are going, we can make the journey as pleasant as possible.

I advise you to enjoy every step, be flexible, and learn to surf the waves instead of fighting against them.

5. Live in the Present

The fourth key to taking advantage of uncertainty as an opportunity for growth is living in the present. The present is the only thing we have for sure. So enjoy every moment because being really present in the situations you live in will help you and improve your quality of life.

6. Embrace Uncertainty

Instead of fighting uncertainty, embrace it with a positive and open attitude. Be curious, accept surprises, and open yourself to new experiences.

7. Connect with your Inner Child

Do you remember when you were little and you played hide and seek? I am sure that

you enjoyed the surprise and excitement of the game. Similarly, I recommend reconnecting with that part of you that expresses wonder at the unknown. This way you can face uncertainty with a positive and cheerful attitude.

This reconnection, in addition to reducing stress, encourages a brighter, more positive perspective that is open to what the future holds.

While it is true that uncertainty is a guest that has arrived to stay, learning to live with it is essential for our mental and emotional health.

Instead of seeing it as an enemy, we must accept it as an opportunity to develop ourselves. It challenges us to be more flexible, to achieve greater resilience, and to be present in the here and now.

Every time we face the unknown, we have the opportunity to strengthen ourselves and learn something new about ourselves and about the world around us.

If we manage to develop these skills, rest assured that we will also be better prepared for the future.

I encourage you, therefore, to put into practice the keys that I have shared with you, to work on your self-esteem, live in the present, and embrace the uncertainty with curiosity and, above all, a positive attitude.

Remember that although we cannot control everything that happens around us, we can control how we respond to it.

I hope this article has been useful to you and that it inspires you to face the unknown with a new perspective. If you liked it, don’t hesitate to share it with your friends and family. As always, I would love to know your opinion and hear your experiences.

Leave me your comments and follow me on my social networks @bisilabokoko!

Thank you very much for reading my content.


Bisila Bokoko

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