On this journey called life, we all experience moments of disconnection with ourselves. That is why today I want to share with you that finding your genuine essence is not a destination, but a beautiful path of deep reconnection.
In my personal experience helping people around the world discover their authenticity, I have learned that this moment of “disconnection” is, in fact, the beginning of something extraordinary.
The Art of Reconnecting with Your Essence
It is completely natural to feel distant from your authentic self at some point in life.
I myself have gone through this at least twice, and I can assure you that each time I “disconnected,” a more genuine version of myself emerged.
This journey does not mean that you have lost your essence; on the contrary, it demonstrates your courage to rediscover yourself and grow.
We often distance ourselves because we follow patterns others have drawn for us, such as when our parents insist we follow a “safe” path, or when society imposes its expectations on us.
Fear of Better Options (FOBO) can also stagnate us, keeping us away from our essential nature.
During my years of mentoring, I have observed how this resistance to being genuine can manifest itself in different ways. Some people spend years promising themselves that one day they will live their truth, but they never take the decisive step.
Others remain in lives that do not reflect their identity for fear of change. However, restlessness is only an illusion that distances us from our essential being.
The Power of Authenticity and Action
My key to transformation has always been to connect with our inner truth; to reconnect with that child who lived without masks.
Ask yourself what makes you vibrate. What activities make you lose track of time? What kind of energies do you feel in tune with? Revelation is not a difficult moment; on the contrary, it is a sacred and transformative one. As I always tell my mentees, if you feel a deep impulse, it is because you have all the wisdom necessary to respond to it. The essence is to listen to your inner guidance, honor your authentic values, and recognize your unique light. But it is not just about awakening; it is essential to live in that authenticity.
Imagine for a moment how you would feel and what you would do if you could be completely you? It is fascinating how most people yearn to explore their genuine selves.
In my case, this transformation has led me to live a nomadic and free life, and every day I am grateful to have listened to my intuition.
The Path of Self-Discovery
Over the years, I have learned that honoring the journey is as important as achieving fulfillment.
As Cavafis writes in her beautiful poem about Ithaca, “the journey to oneself is the true treasure.” This journey requires dedication to your spiritual growth, moments of deep connection, and, above all, self-love.
To begin this inner transformation, I suggest you start with simple practices. Maybe there is something your soul has been whispering to you for a long time, such as meditation, writing, art, or a spiritual retreat.
Don’t leave those calls at the level of ideas. As Master Robert Greene says, you need 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery. Every moment of connection counts.
If you feel your current life does not reflect your essence, it does not mean you are lost. You are in a sacred moment of transformation where every act of authenticity counts.
Remember my motto: “Think big, start small, step by step.” Your genuine self will emerge when you least expect it, but the magic is in the daily discovery.
I want to encourage you to embark on the most transformative journey of your life. Remember: your innate wisdom knows exactly who you are. You just need to silence the external noise and listen.
Sometimes, not having blossomed yet simply means that you have not allowed yourself to be who you really are.
I invite you to take the first step today and tell me in the comments or send me a message through my social networks (@bisilabokoko) what your first act of authenticity will be this year.
A big hug,
Bisila Bokoko